Finance, With A Conscience


Individual coaching services will teach individuals how to manage their finances to build long-term financial stability. We will go beyond the practical aspects of financial management so you can learn how to analyze your thoughts and behaviours around money.


Group workshops give participants valuable insights into managing their finances in 3 core areas: budgeting, saving, and debt. We provide practical tips and resources that you can immediately apply to improve your financial health.


The Financial Literacy Blog provides readers with concise tips, insights and resources to enhance their financial knowledge. Every article is full of engaging and informative content that is easy to understand and apply. Go grab a coffee and pen!


Discover the transformative power of monetary donations and community care. Your support can provide crucial support and empower communities. Join us in creating a brighter future for all. Donate now and be a catalyst for meaningful transformation.

Meet Alexandria,

The Woman Behind FinanciallyAllie

Alexandria is a Financial Literacy Educator who believes financial education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of background or income class. At the core of her approach is a commitment to anti-capitalism, community, and mutual aid. Alexandria rejects the notion that financial success is determined by ones ability to accumulate wealth. Instead, she advocates for a more holistic approach that values the well-being of individuals and their communities.

Facing your money realities can be intimidating, but Alexandria’s compassionate approach empowers you with the courage to manage your finances so you can continue your journey toward financial freedom. Whether you are just starting or looking to level up your financial game, she is here to support you every step of the way.

Alexandria recognizes that uplifting a community is not a noble endeavour, it is an essential responsibility that fosters growth, resilience, and unity. She understands the power of sharing resources to uplift those around us. For this reason, a portion of profits gets allocated to support future clients. Acknowledging the diverse needs of our clients, we offer sliding-scale pricing and try to go above and beyond to help them get financially comfortable. By prioritizing community care, we strive to create a ripple effect of positive change, enriching lives and fostering a sense of collective well-being.

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